It’s a little known fact that I LOVE designing and making wedding invitations so I was over the moon to be asked by my lovely mother-in-law, Gail to make the invites for her upcoming nuptials to her beau, Paul!
The wedding is in October and is going to be a gorgeous Autumn affair in rustic surroundings with flower arrangements woven through with beautiful scented herbs. Knowing this set the scene for the invitations and we went with a theme of herbs and foliage in green with a hit of berry pink. It is scattered with little heart details and the leaves under the banner are secured with a a tiny love knot! For the envelopes we chose a fun bright orange that has a hint of Autumn flavour to it…I love how alternative they look and Gail and Paul were thrilled with them.
It’s going to be fun: Far flung relatives arriving from the other side of the world, family time with everyone far and near, outfits to buy (I’m more excited about Ruby’s outfit than my own…) and of course seeing the happy couple tie the knot!

I have done a few wedding invitations now and they are always so much fun, liaising with the couple about themes and choosing colours…if you are ever in the market for some invitations, be sure to hit me up!
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